337 Queen's York Rangers Cadets prides itself on maintaining excellence in the standards of our uniform. On this page you will find documents which will guide you to achieving the very best possible appearance.
The QM operates by appointment only. Click here to request an appointment.
Initial Uniform Issue
New cadets need to be sized by the Quartermaster (QM) for their uniforms.
All activities with the QM are done by appointment only; for your convenience, we try to make appointments as soon as possible. Note that you must be enrolled for a minimum of three weeks prior to being issued a uniform; you can however make an appointment for your uniform the night you enrol.
For guidance on the procedure for receiving your uniform, see the issuing schedule below:
Week | Tuesday (At George Vanier) | Sunday (At Fort York) |
Greater than or equal to 1 week prior to appointment. | Make an appointment to receive your uniform. | Nil. |
1 Week Prior to Appointment | You will be measured for your uniform. YOU MUST BE IN ATTENDANCE DURING THE TRAINING NIGHT THE WEEK PRIOR TO YOUR APPOINTMENT. | Nil. |
Week of Appointment | Week of Appointment Receive Initial Issue Appointment Card and briefing for the Initial Kit Issue. YOU MUST BE IN ATTENDANCE DURING THE TRAINING NIGHT PRIOR TO YOUR APPOINTMENT. | Initial Kit issue. |
You must attend the Tuesday training night both the week of, and the week prior to your appointment; failure to do so may result in the cancellation of your appointment.
To receive your uniform, you are required to go to Fort York Armoury (660 Fleet Street, Toronto Ontario) 15 minutes prior to your appointment. This appointment will take approximately 90 minutes.
If you require any further assistance, speak to a member of staff on a Tuesday night or write to: Supply.337QYRang@outlook.com.
Lost Uniforms
If you have lost or have had parts of your uniform stolen, please complete and submit this form to the Quartermaster.
Any Cadets who need uniform parts exchanged should see the Quartermaster as soon as possible with the completed Uniform Part Exchange Request request form.
Dress Regulations
This is the overall document describing all aspects of a cadet's uniform and appearance. Every cadet should read and present themselves in accordance with the standards described: CJCR DRESS INSTRUCTIONS
These Dress Instructions were updated in 2022 to align with the modernization of the Canadian Armed Forces Dress Instructions. All gender references have been removed; all standards apply may now apply to any cadet.
Chapter 2 - Dress and Appearance
This chapter outlines personal appearance instructions such as hair-styling, beret wearing, boot lacing and more.
Chapter 3 - Insignia/Badges
Here are some useful references within the document:
Annex A - Identification Insignia
Annex B - Rank Insignia
Annex C - Star Insignia
Annex D - CTC Qualification Insignia
Annex F - Proficiency Insignia
Annex G - Duke of Edinburgh Award
Annex H - Insignia Placement
Chapter 6 - Orders of Dress
This is a description of all the various uniform codes like C1, C2 and so on.
Annex B - Ceremonial Dress (C1)
Annex E - Mess Dress (C2)
Annex H - Service Dress (C3, C3A)
Annex K - Training Dress (C5, C5C)
Additionally, here are some useful tips to help you succeed in maintaining a top appearance ...
Until you are issued a uniform you will most often wear "Black & Whites"
Black & Whites are black or other dark colour pants (no blue or faded jeans), black or dark shoes or boots (no rubber soles), and a white collared shirt
The equivalent to the Army Cadet Orders of Dress are:
C1 Dress = Black & Whites​
your best dark pants & shoes and your best white collared shirt (for special parades), with a coat or jacket appropriate for the weather for outdoor parades​
C2 Mess Dress = Black & Whites
​your best dark pants & shoes with a black bow tie on your white long-sleeved collared shirt (with coat or jacket when necessary)​
C3 Duty & C3A Short-Order = Black & Whites
doesn't have to be your best as you will be training (ie laying on mats, sitting on the floor, etc); bring a coat or jacket for outdoor training​​​
C5 Field Training Uniform (FTU) = Adventure Wear
something you feel comfortable in while crawling, climbing, hiking, biking or canoeing (no jeans)​
C5C Sports Dress = Exercise Clothing
running shoes, shorts or athletic pants, t-shirt or sweatshirt (depending on the weather and if indoors or outdoors)​
Dress Uniform
Always, always, always press your uniform!
To prevent your uniform from going shiny, do not use too much heat and consider using a pressing cloth when ironing
Always press both collars (tunic and light green shirt)
Sew your badges on straight and to standard (see below)
Remove threads
De-lint your beret
Press a sharp crease in your pants
Males, make sure you have a clean hair cut
Females, make sure your hair is tied back in a bun and there are no hair wisps
Shine your boots
Field Training Uniform (FTU's)
Always put your FTU's in the dryer before cadets, this will eliminate wrinkles. Please don't iron your FTU's,
Put old iphone cases in the breast pockets to flatten them out- otherwise they fold everywhere
Remove threads by burning them off carefully using a lighter (do not pull at loose threads)
De-lint your beret, tuck in the strings on the back of your beret
Twist up the string on the bottom of your FTU tunic, then attach the loop to the bottom button; this prevents the strings from showing on parade
The string in the middle of your FTU tunic can be fed through the button holes, hide it as well
Buy boot blousers - if you do not know what they are, ask your Sergeant
Dress Uniform VIDEOS​
How to form your Beret...here is a helpful video on how to form your beret
Sew on Badges...Here is a helpful video on how to sew on the badges to your uniform.
How To Tie your Dress boots...here is a helpful video on how to properly striate lace your parade boots
Shine your boots ... here is a helpful video on how to properly polish your boots
Tie your Tie ... here is a helpful video on how to properly tie a half Windsor knot
Iron Your Uniform...here is a helpful video on how to properly iron your uniform