337 Queen's York Rangers Cadets

Poppy Day 1
Nov 2, 2024
0830 - 1630
LHQ Training: Mixed/Virtual
Nov 5, 2024
1830 - 2130
Poppy Day 2
Nov 9, 2024
0830 - 1630
Remembrance Day Parade
Nov 11, 2024
1000 - 1215
LHQ Training: CO's Parade
Nov 12, 2024
1830 - 2130
Fall FTX
Oct 4 - 6, 2024
Our weekend camping exercise. Georges Vanier SS for bus pick-up and drop-off. Please see Remind for more information.
Uniform: C5
The Queen's York Ranger Army Cadets program appeals to teenagers (12 - 18) craving exciting outdoor activities where their personal limits as individuals and team-members will be tested. The hardcore outdoor-oriented will love the challenge!
337 Queen's York Ranger cadets develop abilities in the use of map and compass, GPS technology, orienteering, first-aid, camping and survival skills, canoeing, abseiling, trekking, mountain biking, etc. As they get more experienced, some will be selected for parachuting, white-water rafting, and glacier climbing. They will also learn to become outdoor leaders.
Our Cadets get involved in ceremonial military events and citizenship activities that allow them to connect to their Canadian heritage. They develop a great sense of pride and discipline through their involvement in a hierarchical system that allows them to hone their leadership skills as they grow older and they learn to care for younger cadets.
In addition to their specialty training, 337 Queen's York Ranger Cadets may become involved in other exciting activities like competitive Olympic-style marksmanship and biathlon, sports competitions, music training and competitions, cultural outings, volunteer community support, etc.
Canada represents the best playground for teenagers interested in the outdoors. We are the organization of choice for teens and adults interested in getting out of the classroom to explore the planet the way it should be.
Every year, some of our top cadets get a chance to participate in high-level expeditions around the globe. Our destinations in the past few years included Morocco, Australia, Costa Rica, South Korea, Italy, Mont-Blanc, the France/Spain Pyrenees, New Zealand, the Canadian Rockies, the Northwest Territories, and Newfoundland and Labrador. Whatever the destination, cadets will find the ultimate challenge awaiting them!
What if you were told that there was a dynamic, structured youth program that offered Canadian youth a variety of interesting and challenging activities?
What if you were told that this same program developed in youth an increased level of self-confidence, self-esteem and self-awareness?
Cadets are motivated to improve their physical fitness, to work harder at their academic studies and to give back to their communities through volunteerism.
The Cadet Program also has a direct impact on Canadian society as a whole. There is definite value in having well-rounded, community-minded, experienced young people who are ready to assume their places as tomorrow’s leaders and decision-makers.
The Royal Canadian Army Cadets
The mission of the Cadet Program is to contribute to the development and preparation of youth for the transition to adulthood, enabling them to meet the challenges of modern society, through a dynamic community-based program
The Aim of the Cadet Program is develop in youth the attributes of good citizenship and leadership, promote physical fitness and stimulate the interest of youth in the sea, land and air actives of the Canadian Forces.
Citizenship - The development of responsible and caring citizens is one of the most important aspects of the Cadet Program. Through the year, cadets participate in citizenship actives in cities and towns across Canada.
Leadership - The Cadet Program encourages youth to be fair and ethical leaders. Cadets learn to take responsibility for their actions and motivates their peers to follow their example.
Physical Fitness - Cadets develop an understanding of the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. Participation in fitness activities results in a positive attitude that enables cadets to take on new challenges.
Stimulate Interest in the Canadian Forces - Exposure to the sea, land and air actives of the Canadian Forces is a unique part of the Cadet Program identity, distinguishing it from other youth development programs.
COVID-19: We are closely following directives set out by National Defense Headquarters. Learn More