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Fund Raising

If you wish to support 337 Queen's York Rangers Cadets, there are a number of ways you can help out:


United Way – Workplace Campaigns (Payroll Deduction)

If your employer runs a United Way Workplace Campaign through Payroll Deduction, you can direct these tax-deductible charitable donations to 337 Queen's York Rangers Cadets. When you are offered the opportunity to support your United Way workplace campaign, simply fill out the section of the form marked “Other Canadian Registered Charities” as follows:


Organization: Royal Canadian Army Cadets, 337 Queen's York Rangers Cadets
BN/Registration #: 10807 1572 RR 0001


Please note that we are not asking or encouraging you to redirect your existing United Way gifts to the Cadet Corps. The United Way carries out very important work and provides social services to tens of thousands of people from our region. If you’re currently supporting them, we hope you’ll continue to do so.  If you have questions about the forms, please contact the 337 Queen's York Rangers Cadets.


Tax-Deductible Charitable Donations

Any person or organization may contribute a tax-deductible charitable donation to benefit 337 Queen's York Rangers Cadets. A charitable donation tax receipt will be issued. Funds are allocated for extracurricular events and optional training by committee decision, based on the ideas, needs and recommendations put forward by the Cadet Corps and Staff.


Cheques: Please make cheques payable to the Army Cadet League of Canada (please Add 337 Queen's York Rangers Cadets in the note section). Please mail to 1200 Markham Road, STE 527 Toronto Ontario M1H 3C3.


In-person Donations: You are always welcome to drop in at the Cadet Corps offices during parade nights and present any donations in person.


Tax-Deductible Charitable Donations in Kind

Cadet Corps requested items may be donated to the cadet corps and a charitable donation tax receipt will be issued for retail cost of the item. If you have questions about the donations, please contact the 337 Queen's York Rangers Cadets. 

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Royal Canadian Army Cadets

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