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How To Join



Think you'd like to join us?  Come check us out!


337 Queen's York Ranger Cadets parade most Tuesday nights at 1830 hrs (6:30 pm) - 2130 hrs (9:30pm) at the Georges Vanier Secondary School (3000 Don Mills Rd)  (just check the calendar to be sure we'll be there, and Contact Us for a map). Don't worry, no experience is necessary. We want you to feel what it's like to be part of something this big. Bring a friend.  

Eligibility to Join

Cadets must meet the following requirements to join 337 Queen's York Rangers Cadets:


  • Be at least 12 years old


  • Legally reside in Canada


  • Have parental permission to join


  • Be medically, physically, and mentally able to participate in cadet training


  • Be willing to commit to training as outlined below​​


Joining Process​​

​Please Also Bring the Following on Your First Night:


  • The original and a photocopy of two (2) of the following pieces of identification of the applicant:

    • a valid Canadian passport, or

    • a birth certificate, or

    • a valid resident card, or

    • a valid identification card issued by a Canadian federal or provincial government agency

    • Note: a provincial health card is not accepted as proof of citizenship and/or birth date


  • Original and a copy of the applicant's Health Card 


  • If your son/daughter has any legal limitations please provide a copy of any court or tribunal decree or judgement


  • If someone has "Limited Access Rights" to your son/daughter please provide a copy of the relevant pages from the court decree or judgement or separation agreement​

The Commitment

Cadets in 337 Queen's York Rangers Cadets are expected to attend all weekly Tuesday training nights and monthly weekend activities. Tuesday night training operates from September to June, with a two-week winter break, and a week-long March Break. There is also a monthly activity that is either a full weekend (Friday night to Sunday afternoon) or a full Saturday or Sunday. There are also two fundraising weekends, usually one in October and one in April, which are mandatory, as well as the Annual Ceremonial Review, held at the end of the training year in late May or early June.


Other activities, such as teams, unit recreational activities, expeditions, and summer courses, are optional, but highly recommended. Attendance at mandatory activities is a big determinant for these optional activities, so cadets should try hard to keep their attendance up.


At a minimum, cadets must have 60% attendance, and not miss more than three consecutive training nights. Should this commitment not be met, than cadets must return their uniform and any issued items. Cadets must inform their leaders when expecting to be absent for an activity or an extended period of time, and must sign-in at the office if they miss roll-call at the beginning of a training night.


Cadets are issued a uniform two to three months after joining. This uniform remains property of 337 Queen's York Rangers Cadets, and cadets are expected to maintain and look after it. Any losses or damage must be reported to the Supply Officer. Cadets must return all uniform parts when leaving 337 Queen's York Rangers Cadets (with the exception of the socks). Click here for more information on uniforms. 


There are no costs to join and stay in the cadet program, including all mandatory activities, summer courses, and expeditions. There may be costs to attend some recreational activities. Other secondary costs may be necessary for uniform maintenance (such as boot polish kits), snacks from the unit canteen, and other items such as a nametag or non-uniform clothing.

Staff & Instructors

All adult staff and instructors are trained and screened by the military to work with youth, and maintain a high-level of professionalism. Other support staff and sponsoring committee members are screened by the Army Cadet League of Canada. Senior cadets are also trained to instruct and lead activities, under adult staff supervision.

Summer Courses

Summer training is available to cadets, and is made up of courses ranging in length from 2 to 7 weeks. Individual courses focus on drill and ceremonial, fitness and sports, marksmanship, music, and expedition training. Courses are primarily held at two Cadet Training Centres (CTCs): Blackdown CTC (at CFB Borden, near Barrie), and Connaught CTC (at Connaught Ranges, near Ottawa). Applications for summer courses are done in February, and selections are done in April. Most cadets who apply are selected for summer courses, but due to limited course availability, not all cadets may be selected. Cadets are selected on the basis of attendance, cadet level, previous courses, training performance, and attitude.


337 Queen's York Rangers Cadets operates some teams during the year, which train on Wednesday nights (AT FORT YORK ARMOURY, 660 FLEET ST, TORONTO), and participate in inter-unit competitions. These teams are optional to join, but require a high level of attendance for those on them. The teams are the Air Rifle Shooting Team, Band, Orienteering Team (outdoor map and compass navigation), Biathlon Team, Duke of Ed Team and Drill Team.

Joining the Military


Army Cadets are not part of the Canadian Forces. While a close and unique relationship exists with our veterans and the men and women who currently serve our country, Army Cadets is a civilian youth program that provides young people with many skills and experiences. There is no expectation to join the military: that’s a personal, voluntary decision which Canadian citizens, including Army Cadets, may make.

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337 Queen's York Rangers

Royal Canadian Army Cadets

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