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Star Levels and Promotions

New recruits begin in the GREEN STAR training program. Throughout the training year, three mandatory field training exercises are scheduled. Cadets are given the chance to learn and practice bush craft, map and compass, adventure training and physical fitness skills. Cadets will learn how to build improvised shelters, light stoves and lanterns, use proper radio procedures, and navigate their way through the field using only a map and compass. These activities are just the beginning of what can be gained from our weekend training.


As a cadet advances through their training career, they will progress through several star levels. Green star is the first star level and serves as an introduction to the mandatory training that will be conducted at the corps. It is designed to give the cadet basic skills and knowledge such as drill, basic discipline, fundamental training, and so on

The Green Star is awarded to a cadet after their first year of participating in as many corps activities as possible.  Upon successful completion cadets may be promoted to Corporal. 


  Qualification Standard & Plan                    Instructional Guide        


Red Star is designed to reinforce and expand upon the Green Star program. Training continues in drill, fundamentals, bush craft, map and compass, marksmanship, public speaking, leadership, citizenship and physical fitness. As a Red Star qualified cadet, you are the model for new cadets and are fully capable of demonstrating skills to recruits and Green Star cadets.

The Red Star is awarded to a cadet after their second year of participating in as many corps activities as possible.  This training level provides the cadet greater opportunity to apply their skills and knowledge obtained during the first two years.  Upon successful completion cadets may be promoted to Master Corporal.

  Qualification Standard & Plan                          Instructional Guide       

Silver Star is basic training for new leaders and instructors. Cadets who complete Silver Star will have the knowledge, skill and experience to take on new responsibilities as a leader of a small team. A Silver Star qualified cadet will have mastered almost all of the mandatory skill training of the Army Cadet Program. The Silver Star cadets will also attend an expedition weekend in the spring where they will participate in a team training activity, consisting of mountain biking, hiking, map and compass navigation, basic expedition skills and canoeing.

The Silver Star is earned after their third year of participating in as many corps activities as possible.  Cadets must also be successful during assessments of selected skills and knowledge.   Upon successful completion cadets may be promoted to Sergeant.

  Qualification Standard & Plan                                 Instructional Guide      

                                                                          Silver Star Vol-1   Silver Star Vol-2  



Gold Star training expands on all previous training, and contains a significant amount of theoretical study and learning. Most of their training involves planning and conducting activities. Gold Star cadets are expected to lead and instruct cadets from senior positions within the corps. The Gold Stars attend an expedition training weekend in the fall, where they will expand upon the knowledge learned during the silver expedition weekend. Once a cadet has successfully completed gold expedition training, they are eligible to apply for the regional expeditions, including white water rafting on the Petawawa River, Sea Kayaking on Georgian Bay or Dog Sledding in Northern Ontario (to name a few). A regional expedition is required to apply for the domestic and international expeditions. Check out the following website for an overview of the expedition program: Army Cadet Expedition Program.

The Gold Star is earned after their fourth year of participating in as many corps activities as possible.  Cadets must also be successful during assessments of selected skills and knowledge.   Upon successful completion with enhanced proficiency in some subjects cadets may be promoted to Warrant Officer.

  Qualification Standard & Plan                           Instructional Guide    



Master Cadet is earned after their fifth year in a leadership role in the cadet corps.  This program is mainly self-study and requires a great amount of self-discipline to complete.


  Qualification Standard & Plan               Master Cadet Logbook         Instructional Guide     




Is not a training level. It is a merit-based system that will be working in parallel to the training levels. Practically everything you do as a cadet will be taken into consideration.

Your mission is to accumulate points to be selected ahead of others for the following:

  • Regional, National and International Expeditions

  • Advanced Summer Training and International Exchanges

  • Promotions and nominations at the corps and at the CSTC

  • Awards


National Star of Excellence Cadet Manual    


NSE Level 1

pass all compulsory Gold Star POs;

accumulate enough points to reach an overall score of at least 450 points.


NSE Level 2

pass all compulsory Master Cadet POs;

accumulate enough points to reach an overall score of at least 750 points.


NSE Level 3

be qualified as Master Cadet; and

accumulate enough participation points to reach an overall score of at least 900 points.


NSE Level 4

be qualified as Master Cadet; and

accumulate enough participation points to reach an overall score of at least 1000 points.

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